Our air conditioners for overhead travelling cranes are machines that are able to work continuously for thousands of hours without downtime. During the design and construction stage, the utmost attention is paid to ensuring ease of maintenance of these air conditioners, a fundamental requirement for reducing the downtime of overhead travelling cranes to a minimum and guaranteeing that the ideal temperature conditions for operation are restored as quickly as possible.
The processes managed by overhead travelling cranes, like those performed in rolling mills, are particularly delicate and costly; the risk of operational stoppages is a determining factor in their management, since machine downtime with such complex processes results in lost time and money.
Control cabs are the thinking centres of these cycles, key spaces where comfort is fundamental to the monitoring work and to the functioning of the entire system.
Air conditioners for overhead travelling cranes perform a vital function: they continuously monitor the cab temperature and operate in exactly the same way as those in technological containers and DPCs.
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Our work is simple and challenging at the same time: we have to site air conditioners in cabs situated in extremely harsh environments.
Climate control in an overhead travelling crane cab located at a height of many metres is difficult both in the installation stage and during maintenance.
The reliability of our air conditioners for overhead travelling cranes is essential for guaranteeing continuous plant operation.
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